
📍 New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA

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Joe Gradone CV.pdf

<aside> Hi! I’m Joe Gradone, a postdoctoral researcher with Rutgers University’s Center for Ocean Observing Leadership (RUCOOL) in the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences. I am a physical oceanographer excited about utilizing my background in industry, science, and engineering to leverage different ocean observing technologies to solve problems of practical and societal importance.


I completed my Ph.D. in Oceanography under Dr. Travis Miles, where my research focused on the circulation dynamics of the Caribbean Through-Flow. I used gliders equipped with a variety of sensors to identify climatically important water masses and quantify the transport of these water masses through the island passages of the Eastern Caribbean.

Prior to coming to Rutgers, I worked as a Customer Support Applications Engineer on Slocum gliders for Teledyne Webb Research. I was primarily involved with testing and developing new glider software features while also supporting customers via remote field campaigns and technical trainings.

I conducted master’s work at the University of Delaware with Dr. Matt Oliver in the ORB Lab. While at UD, my research investigated sea surface kinetic energy as a proxy for phytoplankton light limitation in the Southern Ocean using SOCCOM floats, satellite data, and modeled parameters.

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Research Interests




$$ ©2024\space| \space Joe\space Gradone \space | \space All \space rights \space reserved
